I was born in Lille, France. I received the M.Eng. degree in Automatic System Engineering from ENSEM (Nancy, France) in 2005 and the M.Sc. degree in Signal Processing from Université Rennes 1 (Rennes, France) in 2006. I received the Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium in June 2011. From June 2011 to December 2012 I was a research assistant with Prof. Marc Moonen research group at the Electrical Engineering Department (ESAT-SCD) of the KUL. From January 2013 to September 2014 i was a postdoctoral researcher with the Human Language Technology (HLT) group at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento (Italy). From October 2014 to August 2016 I was a postdoctoral researcher with the department of signal and image processing (TSI) at telecom PArisTech in Paris (France) where I am working on speaker diarization, speaker recognition and respresentation learning for audio in the framework of the LASIE project.
I am now an assistant professor at Université de Lorraine doing my research in Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications (Loria) with the Multispeech research group and teaching at IUT Charlemagne. My research interests include hearing aids systems, cochlear implants, digital signal processing for audio automatic speech recognition and speaker diarization, and (deep) neural networks and representation learning for acoustic modeling.
Since Sep. 2016: Associate professor, Université de Lorraine, Loria, UMR 7503, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France. Research on: Distant speech recogntion, multichannel speech processing and representation learning for speech processing.
Oct. 2014 - Aug. 2016: Post-doctoral researcher (with Prof. Gaël Richard and Slim Essid), Dept. Signal and image processing (TSI), Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France. Research on: Speaker diarization and identification, representation learning for audio (The research take place in the framework of the LASIE project).
Jan. 2013 - Sep. 2014: Post-doctoral researcher (with Prof. Marcello Federico), Human Language Technology research group, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy.
Research on : Robust automatic speech recognition.
(The research take place in the framework of the EU-BRIDGE project).
June 2011 - Dec. 2012: Post-doctoral researcher (with Prof. Marc Moonen), Dept. of Electrical Engineering, KULeu-
ven, Leuven, Belgium.
Research on : Design and evaluation of binaural noise reduction algorithms for cochlear im-
(This project is a joint collaboration between the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and the Dept. of
neurosciences at KULeuven and Cochlear Ltd).
Oct. 2006 - June 2011: Research assistant (with Prof. Marc Moonen), Dept. of Electrical Engineering, KULeuven,
Leuven, Belgium.
Research on : Integrated active noise control and noise reduction in hearings aids
Oct. - Dec. 2009: Guest researcher (with Prof. Søren Holdt Jensen), Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg
University, Aalborg, Danemark.
Academic Activities
Since 2016: Introduction to computer tools, Université de Lorraine -- IUT Charlemagne, Nancy, France
Thesis: Design of a remote fish measurement system, including embedded web server and GPS controller. Programming in Langage C on Microship PIC microcontrollers.
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